2023 Tomato List

We take pride in growing a wide variety of tomatoes at the greenhouse. Here is the list of the tomatoes we will carry this year:


Abe Lincoln-Improved  Indigo Cherry Drop 
Ace Indigo Rose
Amish Paste Jet Star 
Arkansas Traveler Juliet 
Beefmaster  Kellog's Breakfast
Beefsteak  Lemon Boy 
Bellatrix Marglobe 
Better Boy  Mortgage Lifter
Better Bush  Moskvich
Big Beef  Mrs. Maxwell's Big Italian 
Big Boy  Omar's Lebanese
Black Krim  Patio 
Black Opal  Pineapple 
Box Car Willie  Rapunzel
Brandywine  Red Cherry Large 
Brandywine Red Red Pear 
Brown Berry  Roma 
Bumble Bee Rutgers 
Campbells 33  San Marzano 
Carmello  Soldacki 
Celebrity  Sungold 
Champion  Sun Sugar
Cherokee Purple  Supersonic Hybrid 
Cherry Falls (limited) Supersweet 100 
Chocolate Cherry  Sweet Million 
Delicious  Sweetie (Limited)
Early Girl  Tasty Pink Beefsteak
Early Girl Bush Thessaloniki 
Fantastic  Tomatillo Aunt Molly's Ground Cherry 
Gardener's Delight  Tomatillo Super Verde Hybrid
Giant Belgium  Tomatillo Tamayo 
Golden Jubilee  Ultimate Opener 
Green Zebra  Virginia Sweets 
Healthkick  Wisconsin 55
Horizon (limited) Yellow Cherry
Husky Cherry Red Yellow Pear