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Re-blooming Tricks

You spend a lot on your flowers and dedicate a lot of time to planting and watering your garden. You want to enjoy its beautiful blooms as much as you can, so how can you get the most bang for your buck? Believe it or not, there are little tricks you can use to keep your annuals and perennials blooming all season long.  The first and one of the most important things to look at is where you’re planting your annuals. Geraniums are one of the most popular annuals that people use because they have great big blooms and are low maintenance. However, without sufficient sunlight, geraniums will stop blooming. The plant will keep on living, but will just be very green. So when you choose...

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Welcome to Goers Greenhouse Online!

Spring is here! And so is Vern Goers Greenhouse online!  We wanted to offer our customers a new way to shop at Goers Greenhouse and allow you to see all that we have available.  Please understand that our inventory changes constantly, with plants being purchased and delivered every day, even every hour.  For this reason, our online store allows you to put together an order, place it for delivery or pick-up, but it does not take payment.  We are fulfilling orders as quickly as possible, but assisting customers at the greenhouse comes first. To make sure we have all the plants that you have ordered in stock, we will take the payment upon time of pick-up or delivery.  There is...

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Welcome May!

It’s been an interesting spring so far, but we can obtain a sense of normalcy with the start of May. Our extended spring hours begin on May 1 and the Governor has deemed us an essential business for all of our customers to shop with us. We will continue to take orders for pick-up (email or call 630-323-1085), offer deliveries to Hinsdale and its surrounding communities, and have special senior shopping hours.....And yes, we will be open Sundays! And while yes, shopping at the greenhouse in May seems like back to “normal,” please be respectful of the governor's orders and wear a face mask while shopping. We also ask that you limit the number of people shopping at the greenhouse...

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Refill your pots with cool-tolerant spring blooms. We have a variety in stock: pansies, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, English daises, snapdragons, nemesia, diashia, ranunculus, pussy willows and much more! Place an order for pick-up, or better yet, drop off your pots to be planted by us! We are offering FREE delivery to local communities until April 11 and can drop them off when we're done. Miss seeing your friends and family? Order a spring planter to be delivered to them! For information, or to place an order, please call us at (630) 323-1085 or email us at

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